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2022 Giving Envelopes

2022 Giving Envelopes

If you are an envelope user, your envelopes are ready for you to pick up on the table in the back of the sanctuary.

For Those Over 70½ — Making the Most of Your IRA

For Those Over 70½ — Making the Most of Your IRA

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a direct transfer of funds from your IRA custodian, payable to a qualified charity. QCDs can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year, as long as certain rules are met.

Thanks from Our Bishop

Thanks from Our Bishop

I want to congratulate and personally thank your congregation for demonstrating your faithfulness to our United Methodist connection by paying 100% of your apportionment covenant in 2020.

Our Church’s Financial Health

Our Church’s Financial Health

2020 was a challenging year for the financial health of SUMC. The pandemic had a negative impact on revenue sources, with giving noticeably lower than typical and a number of fundraisers cancelled.

2020 Giving Statements

2020 Giving Statements

2020 giving statements for your offerings to Sewickley United Methodist Church were mailed on January 15.

Christmastime Stewardship

Christmastime Stewardship

As I write this, I am reminded of watching Linus this past Sunday, at the end of "A Charlie Brown Christmas," repeating the Christmas story from Luke when asked what Christmas is about. Although we will not be gathering together in person this year for our Christmas Eve Services, we still have an opportunity to make a gift to strengthen our Church and its ministries.

2021 Envelopes

2021 Envelopes

Boxes of weekly offering envelopes are available in the office for those who had envelopes in 2020. If you are able, please pick yours up during office hours. If you would like to begin using envelopes, please let Kim Benjamin or Pam Honeychurch know.