Please join us for Game Night on Friday, April 25, 2025, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Simpson Room.
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Please join us for Game Night on Friday, April 25, 2025, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the Simpson Room.
Please clear your schedule and reserve Friday, March 14 for Game Night. Everyone is invited to participate in an evening of fun and games from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm on March 14 in the Simpson Room.
We welcome you to join in on celebrating John Emmert’s 80th birthday!
The former pastor here at SUMC, Myles Bradley, will be celebrating his 80th birthday on December 18. Let us surprise him with a mailbox full of well wishes and love.
Our annual Birthday Breakfast for Jesus will be December 22nd at 11:00 am after the joint service.
The blessings just keep on rolling, and you all are making that happen. I am so thankful to God for you!
The Nurture Committee’s Cookie Walk will be November 23rd this year.
This period offers an annual chance to review and modify your Medicare coverage. As a licensed insurance agent, Eric can help you navigate these options in a free, no obligation appointment.
As we continue to try and look for ways to be more cost effective in the office, we solicit your help.
It’s Walking Taco Time at the Sewickley May Mart on Saturday, May, 11th.
On Sunday, May 26, we will observe Memorial Day, a time in which we remember fallen heroes who faithfully served our country.
Messages of thanks from and to our church family
Thank you for supporting the chili and hummus sale. Please consider these upcoming opportunities.
Let’s shower Nancy Shuluga with cards as she celebrates her birthday on April 3.
Thanks from our members and community.
Please notify the office or Sandra Lane if you are graduating in May 2024.
It is with heavy hearts we announce the death of Sewickley UMC church member, Shirley Sye.
The Nurture Committee will be hosting a Soup and Hummus Sale next month.
Messages of thanks from Fellowship of the Cross and the Nurture Committee.
lease notify Sandra Lane if your student is graduating in December.