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United Women in Faith

UWF March Meeting

UWF March Meeting

The United Women in Faith (UWF) will hold its March meeting on Sunday, March 19th following the traditional worship service.

United Women in Faith Meeting

United Women in Faith Meeting

Everyone is invited to join us for a luncheon meeting on Sunday, February 19th following the conclusion of the traditional worship service.

UWF Meeting

UWF Meeting

The United Women in Faith (UWF) invites everyone to join them for a luncheon meeting on January 14 at noon, at Carmody’s Grill, Neville Island.



Thanks to our congregation from UWF, FotC, Pastor Russel, and Bill Utterback for our support of missions, Operation Christmas Child, the Building of Faith, and the Haunted House.

United Women in Faith Luncheon

United Women in Faith Luncheon

The UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH will have a luncheon meeting after the traditional service on Sunday, November 20, in the Simpson Room.

Rummage Sale for Missions

Rummage Sale for Missions

The Women United in Faith will have a RUMMAGE SALE FOR MISSIONS Friday, November 4, 3 to 7 pm, and Saturday, November 5, 9 am to 1 pm.

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith

The United Women in Faith will hold its October luncheon meeting after the traditional service on Sunday, October 16, in the Simpson Room.

United Women in Faith

United Women in Faith

The UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH will hold its September luncheon meeting after the traditional service on Sunday, September 18, in the Simpson Room.

Rummage Sale Reinvented

Rummage Sale Reinvented

It started with an idea: what if some of the unsold items from the Rummage Sale for Missions were taken to Northview Heights and made available for free to the residents?



The United Methodist Women (UMW) is now United Women in Faith (UWF). The organization's higher level leadership has taken a new name to better reflect, in its opinion, how we answer our calling today.