The group is studying important women every Tuesday morning in April. The May study will concentrate on “The Chosen.”
The group is studying important women every Tuesday morning in April. The May study will concentrate on “The Chosen.”
The Conference will be held on April 21st at Dutilh UMC at 3:00 pm. All are welcome.
Please come to our annual church picnic where we will break bread with our family at St. Matthew’s AME Zion Church on June 23.
Thank you for supporting the chili and hummus sale. Please consider these upcoming opportunities.
The last three Lenten services are being held at different times.
SUMC has campership funds available to help your child attend one of three great camps in Western PA.
Families are invited and encouraged to bring baskets or bags to the Easter egg hunt between worship services on Easter Sunday (March 31).
Sunday, April 14th. This United Methodist-wide Special Offering bolsters the work of Native American ministries in annual conferences throughout the United States.
Let’s shower Nancy Shuluga with cards as she celebrates her birthday on April 3.
The 7th Grade Quaker Valley Middle School Project is Books for Kids.
Thanks from our members and community.
Please notify the office or Sandra Lane if you are graduating in May 2024.
The Education team is searching for someone with basic video recording and editing experience to help create a children’s video for our Mother’s Day services.
Our free Community Vacation Bible School, for students pre-school through middle school, will be offered from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, August 5 through 8, on the SUMC campus.
Our children and youth will be leading worship on Mother’s Day (May 12), and students are invited to share their musical gifts in the worship services.
Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of preventive health screenings, will offer affordable, non-invasive, and painless health screenings at Sewickley United Methodist Church on Wednesday, April 19.
We have had our second meeting and are working on measuring progress towards our God-sized goals.
Thank you for supporting SUMC’s mission and ministry through your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. It is your generous financial gifts that make our ministries and witness possible.
Our next meeting will take place Thursday, March 7, at 9:30 am. We will meet again at the Faith House next to the Presbyterian Church
The theme of our 2024 Community Vacation Bible School will be “Seekers in Sneakers.” Young seekers will learn to see Jesus moving in the world, in other people, and in themselves.