When I heard Pastor Hannah was planning a Lenten series on humility, I shrugged. Honestly, where’s the electricity in humility?

I like mission and ministry. I seek love, joy, and peace. I am fascinated by prayer and surrender and inclusivity.

But I trust Hannah. I am moved and challenged by Hannah. So I leaned into her series on humility.

Know what I found?

A window to mission and ministry. A light into love, joy, and peace. An energy for prayer, surrender, and inclusivity.

In the first leg of the series, Hannah suggested that “thinking of others more often, lifting others up, fighting for a good that is bigger than yourselves, this is the leadership of humility.”

In the second part of the series, she reminded us that “humility has the power to bring together what so many have sought to divide.”

In the series, Hannah urged us to “practice wonder” and “be teachable” and to “ask for help.”

“We all have something to teach, and we all have more to learn,” she said.

Hannah, in the third week, urged believers in liberal news media to switch, on occasion, to conservative news outlets. Search for commonality, she said.

I want more of the humility that Hannah found in Jesus, in scripture.

Let’s pray for humility on April 2.

On Palm Sunday, as the sun sets about 7:46 pm, from wherever you are, with whomever wants to join you, let’s pray for humility. Let’s ask God to share His humility with us in ways that will change our perspectives and lift, encourage, and invite those around us.

On Palm Sunday, we remember that Jesus was welcomed by a crowd, many of them drawn by His humility. He listened. He made others feel valued. He made their needs His priority.

Let’s pray for a Jesus-like humility in our family relationships.

Let’s pray for a Jesus-like humility in our relationships at school and in our work places.

Let’s pray for a Jesus-like humility as we move through our neighborhoods.

Let’s pray for a Jesus-like humility in all that we do as a church.

Let’s ask our God to provide a light that allows us to listen, to see each other, to lift each other, to learn from each other, to serve each other, to value each other.

Let’s pray for a humility that, as Hannah suggested, “can bring together communities and tear down walls.”

Photo by Jared Yeh