And the expectancy begins! October seems to be a month that is full of excitement and festivals. It is the month we celebrate the pumpkins, the people, the gatherings with hot chocolate and hayrides, the haunted house with vampires and good fun! It is the month that transitions our closet from short sleeves to long sleeves and shorts to long pants. It is the month trees begin to transition their outer wear to prepare for the long winter. For us, here at Sewickley UMC, it is the month where we will see the most visitors coming to our doorsteps and maybe even through our basement. Will it also be the month that we see the most people experience the love of Jesus, a change of heart, a forgiveness of sin, a desire to be in the presence of God? That depends on you, and more importantly, on the Holy Spirit. One thing is for certain, it is a month of opportunity! I pray that you will join me in finding the opportunities to witness the sacrificial love of Jesus. Join your church in committing your time to greeting a neighbor, making a friend, and growing the body of Christ. The people are coming; Holy Spirit, we pray you use us to be the light that shines the love of Jesus for all to see, touches hearts, drives out the darkness, and transforms lives just as everything else is transforming around us! Amen!

From one light to another,
Pastor Hannah Loughman