Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

When: Sunday, October 27
Where: During the 9 am and 11 am services
Who: Kids will collect using UNICEF boxes
Why: UNICEF provides aid to impoverished children

Being a hero goes beyond dressing up in a costume this Halloween season. You can channel your own superpowers to help deliver lifesaving supplies to children in need this October. With as little as $1, you can give hope to millions of children around the world through UNICEF USA. $5 can provide a pack of 10 notebooks, $7 could provide safe water to a child for 1 year and 10 bars of soap, $20 could provide 2 fleece blankets, $30 could provide 1 first aid kit, and $43 could provide a round of immunizations against 12 childhood diseases. 

 Kids learn positive values, like empathy and global awareness, while learning that they have the power to make a difference. Please consider saving your coins now (or dollars and checks) for our kids’ Unicef collections. The teachers will be sharing UNICEF information with their classes. You can always check out the program at: