Leaders and helpers are needed to fill various roles including VBS leader, Assembly leader, Science leader, Music leader, Recreation leader, Craft leader, and Story leader. Please contact Laura Powell at 742-316-7895 or lpspapep@hotmail.com to get involved.

We are in need of supplies to create our castle theme for VBS this year. Our decorations “wish list” includes: 

  • large cardboard boxes (the taller, the better - but we’ll take anything right now)

  • large cardboard tubes

  • large flat pieces of cardboard

  • sheathing insulation panels or foam core

  • polyester fiberfill or stuffing used for crafts 

  • toilet paper tubes, paper towel tubes, wrapping paper tubes 

  • duct tape

  • dowel rods, to use for support

  • tulle

  • red tissue paper

  • white poster board

  • 2 large sponges (like those used for grouting or washing cars, about 5”x7” — don't have to be new, as we will be using them to paint “stones”)

  • 2 smaller sponges

  • 6 cans of black spray paint

  • Gray paint (not spray paint, as we’ll be dipping the sponges in it to make the stones)

  • Plastic, rectangular table cloths in a variety of colors

You can place your donations in the Youth Room, which is on the Thorn Street side of the large basement room by July 11. If getting them to church is a problem, contact Pamela Mayo for pickup: pemayo@verizon.net or text: 412-977-0865. Thanks!