Children of all ages are invited to join the children’s ministry team for an Easter Egg Hunt between worship services on Easter morning (April 17). We will not be offering Children’s church gatherings on Easter, so families can worship our Risen Lord together. Shortly after the 9 am contemporary service ends, we will gather the children in the Simpson Room. The egg hunt will be held outdoors on church campus, weather permitting. We will hold it in the church basement if the weather does not cooperate. The event will conclude in time for children to attend the traditional service at 11. All children—extended family, friends, neighbors, classmates—are invited. Children are encouraged to bring baskets or bags to collect their eggs. Anyone in the church family wishing to donate candy (individually wrapped) or small gifts (small enough to fit inside plastic eggs) can leave contributions in the Fellowship of the Cross/Operation Christmas Child collection box outside the church office by April 11. For more information, contact Bill Utterback (