In keeping with this year’s “Food Truck” theme, the VBS children will assemble weekend food bags for children who participate in summer learning programs at The Bridge (formerly Bethany House) in Northview Heights and blessing bags for the homeless who are served by the Daily Bread ministry in Pittsburgh’s North Side. We invite the children, congregations, and community members to donate shelf-stable snack items (eg., fruit & pudding cups, trail mix, granola bars, cheese & crackers, gum, etc.) and hygiene products (eg., travel-sized shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, band-aids, tissues, comb, etc.) for use in these bags. Donations may be brought to the Sunday worship service or the Monday evening VBS program. The children will be assembling the bags on Monday evening. For further information, contact Barbara Bower by phone at 412-741-9665 or by e‑mail at