Sewickley United Methodist Church

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Pumpkin Patch Safety Alert

Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm, our preschool is in session. As you can imagine, having a stranger roam the halls of our church puts those children and teachers at risk. When you are volunteering at the Patch, please be mindful to keep the door closed, and do not allow anyone to enter the church building without an escort. Even if someone appears harmless, we must adhere to these guidelines at all times, not just during preschool hours. If you are working alone, a visitor cannot be provided access to our facility without being accompanied every step of the way. It may be uncomfortable to deny someone access to use the restroom or venture in to see our beautiful sanctuary or chapel; simply explain that it is security protocol that all guests must be accompanied, and if you're working alone, you cannot accommodate them at this time. Thank you.

Sandra Lane, 
Security Chair