Dear Barbara Bower and Sewickley United Methodist Church,

Thank you for organizing a gift drive in support of the children at The Bradley Center during this holiday season. Donations like yours made wishes come true! These gifts also help these children have a chance at a happy, healthy childhood.

For many of us, the holidays have always been marked by time spent with family, gatherings with delicious food, and an attitude of joy and thankfulness. For many of the children at The Bradley Center, the holidays have not measured up to their hopes. Although they are young, their lives are marked with histories of trauma. Most have been abused or neglected and have a mental or behavioral health challenge. It is donors like you who truly make the holidays special and jolly.

These gifts show that you have an unwavering belief in the inherent potential that exists in all children, regardless of their histories or current circumstances. In the future, these children may not remember the gifts they received, but they will always remember the special feeling that someone cared about them.

Thank you again for your open-hearted support on behalf of the children by Building Lives of Possibility. You may never meet the child whose life you have changed, but please know that you have made a difference.

Pat Hargest
Chief Development Officer

Dear Sewickley UMC Family,

I am so grateful to you for your outpouring of gifts, including the Pastor’s Purse at Christmastime. I feel like Paul in his letter to the Philippians, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” I give thanks for you and your company in this life, and I give thanks for the ways I get to be a part of your service to God. Thank you for your support, love, and care of me and of my family.

Hannah, Todd, Owyn, Jordyn, and Lincoln!

Thank you, as always, for graciously allowing us use of the church for our meetings. Without you, we would not be able to fulfill our purpose of carrying the message to the many, many folks who are struggling out there.

Mel, Howard, and the “Friday Night” gang

Dear Church Family,

Thank you so much for the gifts and for remembering me during the holidays.

Happy New Year,
Sandy Stroebel

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for hosting our December meeting of the Pittsburgh District Anti-Racism Team. We greatly enjoyed our dinner and fellowship time, as well as time to focus on our important work.

Susie Moffett
Member Pgh ART

To My Dear Church Family,

I received the most beautiful flowers, and the card said they came from you. They are the most beautiful flowers with so many lovely shades of yellow. They are like sunshine and have brightened my day and filled me with joy.

Sylvia Bajsec

To Pastor Hannah and Parishioners,

“Thank you” for your generous gift of food and cookies that you provided to the Ambridge Volunteer Fire Department on January 9 as a sign of gratitude.

God Bless,
Michael Mikulich, Secretary

Dear Sewickley Church,

I would like to thank you for the Christmas gifts you gave me and my friends. That was very nice of you. They all like them very much. Thanks again.

Happy New Year 2023,
Meg Mayo

Photo by sweetjessie