We just wrapped up a wonderful week of VBS. We taught many kids, preschool aged through middle school, how to be disciples of Jesus Christ by being a Changemaker! Thank you to all who volunteered to bring this important message to life. Thank you to all who donated their time and their resources. Thank you to our many fearless leaders and to those who came to share the ways they have been changemakers. Thank you to the parents who entrusted their kids to us. We had 26 children in attendance, 37 volunteer helpers, and 4 guest speakers over the four days. Thank you also to Pamela Mayo, Grace Rogansky, and Bill Utterback who poured so much into leading this year's VBS and helping to bring all the moving parts and people together! THANK YOU!

If you lent us a fan, extra thanks to you, as the Simpson Room can get quite toasty! Your fans can be picked up from the library.