Dear church family,
I would like to thank the Witness Committee and everyone (I counted 37) who attended the “Community Prayer Gathering: Racial Justice” event on the church lawn. It was a powerful, hopeful witness to our concern for society and the ways we value each other, and I would suggest that anyone not in attendance ask Susie for a copy of the very compelling text she prepared for the service. It was also, for me, a renewing and reassuring experience. I am lifted each time I see so many gather to share faith in God, prayer, and each other. In the service on the lawn, and in the fellowship that followed, it was encouraging to gather with so many familiar faces and new faces intent on moving together through this chaotic season, with the love of Jesus lighting our path. I will share my experiences in our Children’s Church circles, and I look forward to future events.
Bill Utterback
Education Committee