Is it Time to Create or Review your Wills and or Estate Plans?

As 2024 was winding down and Sharon and I began to contemplate 2025, we decided it was time to review our wills and long-term plans. As we were reviewing our own plans, we took steps to update our estate distributions, including those to charities, inclusive of upping the amount we give to Sewickley United Methodist Church. Additionally, we explored tax-advantaged methods of giving and decided to make changes in how we currently contribute to the church, as well as a select few other charities.

While reviewing our plans, it occurred to me that it might be useful to find out if others in our congregation are interested in making changes or exploring related matters for the first time. I brought the matter to Pastor Hannah and the Leadership Board. As part of the Stewardship Team initiative, we agreed that a program on wills and planned giving would be a good thing. While the program is focused on those of us over sixty, it will certainly be open to anyone younger who is interested.

How about you?

If you do not have a will, even if you are young, it is highly recommended that you create one. A simple will is not expensive and can be completed very quickly.

Upon death, having clearly stated your wishes better assures that your intentions are carried out, makes life much easier for your loved ones, and saves a lot of time, money, and aggravation for your Executor or estate administrator.

If you have a will or estate plan, it may be beneficial to review it to see if any changes are necessary, including the addition or modification of legacy gifts to SUMC or other charities.

We will be reaching out via phone or in person to those of you who, like me, are in the sixty plus range to help in deciding how we might best move forward.

Should you have questions or feel it important to immediately seek advice on the matter, please feel free to contact me directly in person or via email, and I will share a list of qualified experts whom you may reach out to.

In Christ,
Jere Cowden, Member of the Leadership Board and Stewardship Team