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SUMC 2024 Financial Update

SUMC 2024 Financial Update

Hopefully, most of the SUMC family is aware the Leadership Board of SUMC set several “God Sized” goals for 2024, including a significant increase in congregational giving by approximately $38,000 or 15%.

Our Church’s Financial Health

Our Church’s Financial Health

We just finished the 2023 budget year, making this a good time to summarize the final figures from 2023, the budget for 2024, and to review what makes up our annual operating budget.

Giving Reminder

Giving Reminder

Please include your giving/envelope number on your check or envelope. This helps our Counters!

Your Year-End Giving Makes a Difference

Your Year-End Giving Makes a Difference

I am excited to share that, based on the October 30th financials, while we are still short of balancing our budget, we are in much better shape than we were two months ago.

The Fruits of Sacrificial Giving

The Fruits of Sacrificial Giving

It is your support that enables us to provide beneficial ministries and spiritual events that lift up our congregation and provide motivation and joy when we need it the most. Will you consider giving to supporting our mission?

A Congregational Giving Update

A Congregational Giving Update

We ask that those who are financially able to, prayerfully consider increasing your giving or to give a one time gift to help close the gap.

Stewardship: An Update

Stewardship: An Update

As previously mentioned, SUMC is in the early stage of planning a stewardship initiative.

A Few Thoughts from Jere Cowden, the New Finance Chair

A Few Thoughts from Jere Cowden, the New Finance Chair

Being a new committee chair is a learning and discerning process, a process which includes understanding how things are done and with input from many others, attempting to identify opportunities for improvement.

2022 Financial Summary

2022 Financial Summary

We just wrapped up the 2022 Budget Year, making this a good time to summarize the final figures from 2022 and to share what makes up our annual operating budget.

Amazon Smile Ending

Amazon Smile Ending

Thank you to everyone who set Sewickley UMC as their designated charity through AmazonSmile.

2023 Pledge Cards

2023 Pledge Cards

2023 pledge cards are available in the back of the sanctuary for your consideration. Completed pledge cards may be put in the provided envelope and placed in the offering plate or the office.

Your Year-End Giving Makes a Difference

Your Year-End Giving Makes a Difference

It's that time of the year when followers of Jesus begin to examine important decisions about charitable giving. The following information is designed to help you make the most of your year-end gift.

Electronic Giving

Electronic Giving

Due to increased costs for using EasyTithe, the Finance Committee is changing e-giving platforms to Vanco.

Happy Birthday Sewickley UMC

Happy Birthday Sewickley UMC

Will you consider making a one-time donation between now and November 13 to Sewickley United Methodist Church (“Building Fund”) to help us reach our goal and pay off our debt? Our prayer and belief are that as we celebrate another blessed year of life at Sewickley United Methodist Church, we can also celebrate the paying off of the Building of Faith loan. Please be a part of that celebration!

For Those 70½ and Older — Making the Most of Your Ira

For Those 70½ and Older — Making the Most of Your Ira

As those over the age of 70½ know, you are required to take an annual distribution from your IRA or face a stiff penalty. Since you have to take a distribution anyway, you can do it in the most tax advantaged way possible.

2022 Pledge Cards

2022 Pledge Cards

2022 pledge cards are available in the back of the sanctuary for your consideration. Completed pledge cards may be inserted into a provided envelope and placed in the offering plate or the office.