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Ministry Updates

Ministry Updates

Keeping you up to date on what our ministries have been doing and what they are planning to do in 2025.

Youth Entries Welcome

Youth Entries Welcome

We are looking for youth who are willing to write a one-page paper using the prompt, “What Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. means to me is…”

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome Back to School!

Starting on September 8th, Children’s Church and Youth Group will be back underway. We are looking for additional volunteers who are interested in being a second volunteer in the Nursery, with Children’s Church, Fellowship of the Cross, or Youth Group.

Back to School Lawn Party!

Back to School Lawn Party!

Children and youth (preschool through high school) are invited to join the Education team for a “Back to School” party on the church lawn between services (10:00 am) on August 25th.

Youth Connect

Youth Connect

Our next meeting will take place Thursday, March 7, at 9:30 am. We will meet again at the Faith House next to the Presbyterian Church

Education Survey

Education Survey

We are still looking for responses to our Education Survey. Please take a moment to share your thoughts about education for all age groups at our church. You can fill out the digital survey, or talk to Grace or Felicity to get a paper version.

Christian Education News

Christian Education News

Children’s Church will start on September 11 after the Children’s Message during both services for elementary and younger aged children. There will be no children’s classes at 10 am.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

The SUMC Children’s Church teams are looking for adults and young people to join us in serving children during the 2022-2023 school year, which begins in September.

Celebrating Our Graduates

Celebrating Our Graduates

We are looking for those who will be graduating from high school and college. We will honor them during the worship services on June 12th.

Celebrating Our Graduates

Celebrating Our Graduates

We are looking for those who will be graduating from high school and college. We would like to honor them during the worship service in June.

UM Student Day Special Giving – November 28th

UM Student Day Special Giving – November 28th

Right now there are UMC young people—who might not have had the resources to attend a school of their choice, or, for some, any school at all—who’ve been sent by you into the world God loves because of your giving to United Methodist Student Day.

Musical Tickets on Sale

Musical Tickets on Sale

Rebellion is nigh in Matilda Jr., the Quaker Valley Middle School Fall Musical, November 11, 12, 13, 18, & 19, at 7 pm!

Confirmation Classes Begin this Week

Confirmation Classes Begin this Week

If you are 11 years of age (or soon to be) or older, you are invited to come and learn about why church… why Jesus? How can you be a Christian while walking the halls of your school, sitting in science class, or playing your trombone? What value is there to faith when you’re just trying to get through middle/high school?

Celebrating Our Graduates

Celebrating Our Graduates

The Sewickley United Methodist Church will celebrate the Class of 2021 during the worship services on June 6.

Celebrating Our Graduates

Celebrating Our Graduates

The Sewickley United Methodist Church would like to recognize the Class of 2021. This has been a very tough year for all our students not knowing if they are in class or online. God is so GOOD that educators are finding ways to teach and reach out to our young people. Best wishes to the Class of 2021.

Youth Service Fund (YSF) Sunday – November 8th

Youth Service Fund (YSF) Sunday – November 8th

The YSF has assisted many youth programs in our Conference, our Nation, and our World. Two-thirds of the offerings received remain in WPA for distribution by the Conference Youth Ministry. Through the UMC's global YSF, UM teens raise money for other teens doing ministry in their churches and communities impacting poverty, illiteracy, absenteeism, and social justice.

SUMC Youth

SUMC Youth

All Sewickley SUMC youth, those who have been participating in youth group with Susie and Johnathan, and those who want to connect, are invited to an informal Zoom gathering at 1 p.m. Sunday to share and laugh and pray, and possibly play some games.



WINTERJAM is coming to PPG Arena on January 18th, and SUMC will be there! Tickets are $15 at the door, and the concert features many artists, including Crowder. We plan to meet at the church parking lot at 4 pm on the 18th and car pool into the city. Feel free to meet us at the concert if you need to come later that evening. Contact Susie Moffett ( or Johnathan Burnett ( for more info.