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Fellowship of the Cross

Leftover Halloween Candy?

Leftover Halloween Candy?

Drop it in FOTC’s box in the narthex. The FOTC will include it in the care packages they will send to college students just in time for finals.

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Operation Christmas Child Packing Party

Please join the Fellowship of the Cross THIS SUNDAY, September 29 between the worship services when 100 boxes will be filled. Everyone is invited to join us and pack some boxes.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

As we move toward our packing party in late September, our SUMC 2019 Operation Christmas Child campaign has some urgent needs and some less urgent needs. The Fellowship of the Cross youth are asking our church family to consider making a contribution, or another contribution, to help fill the boxes. The urgent needs include toothbrushes, bars of soap, pencil sharpeners, and stuffed animals or baby dolls that fit easily into a shoebox.

Free Carwash for Operation Christmas Child

Free Carwash for Operation Christmas Child

FOTC is offering a free car wash in the SUMC parking lot from 10 am until 2 pm, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. Donations will be accepted to help cover shipping costs for our shoeboxes. The cost of shipping each box is $9, which includes Bible learning materials and classes, which are offered to each child who receives a shoebox.

VBS Decorating

VBS Decorating

Our VBS theme this year is an outer space theme, and we are in need of a few things for the decorating.

Shopping Alert

Shopping Alert

Shop at Target through July 13 to purchase crayons and rulers for 25¢, and colored pencils and cap erasers for 50¢—all of which will fit nicely in the shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! Your donations can be placed in the collection box on the pew in the Narthex.

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child

FOTC’s 2019 shoebox campaign is underway. Health and personal items are their target items for June. Please consider donating bar soap, washcloths, toothbrushes, hair accessories, adhesive bandages, combs, hairbrushes, socks, and sunglasses. Please read more about Operation Christmas Child in the June Newsletter. The FOTC collection box is in the Narthex.

Flower Planting

Flower Planting

Our children and youth will re-visit tradition by planting flowers around the church campus on May 19, the final morning of our 2018-19 Sunday school year. The Fellowship of the Cross and the Education Committee will again host the event.

T-Shirts Wanted

T-Shirts Wanted

The Fellowship of the Cross youth want the shirts from the 10-Ks you ran, the VBS’s and day camps you served, the beaches you visited, the concerts you attended, and from the rarely visited depths of your drawers and closets.

Easter Undies

Easter Undies

Fellowship of the Cross’s new underwear collection for girls in Africa (girls sizes 10-16 & women’s sizes 5-7), to accompany feminine hygiene kits they will also receive, and for young girls & boys, briefs of any size, who have never had underwear, ends on Easter Sunday. The collection basket is in the back of the sanctuary. Financial donations are also welcome for FOTC to purchase for you. Thanks for your help!

Easter Undies

Easter Undies

FOTC is collecting new underwear to send to girls in other countries that are unable to attend school for a week every month, and sometimes even drop out of school altogether, because they do not have access to underwear and feminine products.

Gift Bags for Our Shut-Ins

Gift Bags for Our Shut-Ins

FOTC is collecting items to go into gift bags for our shut ins, which will be delivered when we go caroling on Sunday, December 16th. We have already received generous donations of crackers, hot chocolate, and candy, but are still looking for little gift items, particularly for the men.

Parents’ Day Out

Parents’ Day Out

Moms and Dads, why not let us watch your kids for a few hours on December 1 as you take time for Christmas shopping, decorating, or baking? We will host the children in the church nursery and basement classrooms from 11 am (after the Santa parade) until 4 pm.

Car Wash for Operation Christmas Child

Car Wash for Operation Christmas Child

The Fellowship of the Cross is hosting a free car wash from 10 am until 2 pm this Saturday, August 4, in the SUMC parking lot. Financial donations will be accepted, and everything contributed will be applied to our 2018 Operation Christmas Child project.

Christmas Trees Needed for VBS

Christmas Trees Needed for VBS

We are still in need of about 10 more Christmas trees to use as “forest” decorations for VBS next week. If you would be willing to lend us one (or more) for next week, you can drop it off at church this week and leave it in the youth room downstairs, marked with your name. You could also drop it off on Saturday, between 10 am and 2 pm, when FOTC hosts their car wash, or bring it to church on Sunday. We will need them by Sunday, at the latest, because we will begin decorating right after church. They can be picked up the following Sunday, 8/12.

July Operation Christmas Child Collections

July Operation Christmas Child Collections

FOTC launched its 2018 shoe box campaign in May and has selected “wow” gifts—toys, stuffed animals, balls, jewelry—as our target contribution for July. In August, we will target school supplies.

Flower Planting on Sunday

Flower Planting on Sunday

The pre-kindergarten through high school Sunday school classes will re-visit tradition by planting flowers on the church grounds next Sunday, May 20, the final day of our 2017-18 school year.

National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer

On Thursday, May 3rd, the Fellowship of the Cross is encouraging our SUMC church family to join us in a prayer initiative asking Jesus to lead us toward unity and peace in our nation.