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Responding to Hurricane Harvey

Responding to Hurricane Harvey

Please continue to pray for those whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey, and partner with UMCOR in responding to their needs by making a financial gift.

Local Disaster Response

Local Disaster Response

The many recent storms led to flooding in a number of local areas. Our Pittsburgh District UMC Disaster Response coordinator Fred Watts has put out the call for volunteers for several areas.

Sewickley YMCA Summer Meals

Sewickley YMCA Summer Meals

The Y is providing a simple meal from 1-3 pm each weekday during the summer for children 18 or younger. To assist the Y, Sewickley UMC is providing the meal and volunteers for the Thursday meals. If you would like to help either by providing food or by serving the meal, please contact Martha Boward (724-457-0708 or Share the availability of the meals with those who might be in need.

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Look for the cart in the sanctuary on June 25th. Children are out of school for the summer—consider purchasing peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, juice, and other nutritious, kid-friendly foods for June’s collection.

At The Lake Ministries (ATLM) Funding

At The Lake Ministries (ATLM) Funding

ATLM is dedicated to offering our brothers and sisters in Christ who live with a disability a space in which to foster relationships and build community. The faith-based, specialized Lake Erie fishing experiences can be life-changing stepping-stones on the road to independence for the guests.

Leap of Faith Plays Relay for Life

Leap of Faith Plays Relay for Life

Leap of Faith will be playing at the Relay for Life on June 3rd, 7 pm (after the survivor’s walk). The event will be at the YMCA field. Bring a lawn chair, and listen to the cool sounds of your worship band while supporting the Relay for Life effort.

Relief Kits

Relief Kits

Help support Eastbrook Mission Barn, our Annual Conference UMCOR satellite, by purchasing items from its wish list or by donating money for Outreach to do your shopping.

Peace with Justice Offering

Peace with Justice Offering

Please support Peace with Justice Sunday. Empower local Christians around the world to build the kingdom of peace that Jesus ushered in. Special envelopes will be included in the bulletin on June 11th, or mark your gift “Peace with Justice”.

Annual Shoe Drive

Annual Shoe Drive

It is not too late to bring your new and gently used clean shoes (pairs only) to help EUMA (Erie United Methodist Alliance) with its Annual Shoe Drive. Sewickley UMC will collect from now until June 4th.

UMCOR Disaster Relief

UMCOR Disaster Relief

Once again, many areas of the United States have been hit by devastating storms. Our relief agency, UMCOR, is busy reaching out to affected communities. Every dollar that you donate to disaster relief goes directly to helping those areas.

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Look for the cart on June 25th. Children are out of school for the summer—consider purchasing peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese, juice, and other nutritious kid-friendly foods for June’s collection.

4th Sunday Food Pantry Collection

4th Sunday Food Pantry Collection

Look for the cart in the sanctuary on May 28th and help local families with food insecurities overcome that challenge. Sewickley Community Food Bank opens its doors on Wednesdays from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm to distribute food to those in need in and around the 15143 zip code. With the school year coming to an end, consider foods that might provide breakfast and lunch to children who normally receive those meals at school. 

Native American Special Sunday Offering May 21st

Native American Special Sunday Offering May 21st

When you give generously on Native American Ministries Sunday, you equip seminary students who will honor and celebrate Native American culture in their ministries. You empower congregations to find fresh, new ways to minister to their communities with Christ’s love. 

Relief Kits

Relief Kits

SUMC will be collecting items from Eastbrook Mission Barn’s wish list. Eastbrook operates a satellite UMCOR relief kit collection/distribution site.

Annual Shoe Drive

Annual Shoe Drive

Sewickley UMC will collect new and gently used CLEAN shoes (pairs only) from now until June 4th.

Easter Preparations

Easter Preparations

The deadline for both Easter flower orders and Easter bag donations is this Sunday.