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UMCOR Sunday

UMCOR Sunday

This is UMCOR Sunday (previously known as One Great Hour of Sharing). This special offering lays the foundation for UMCOR’s ministry of relief and hope.

Mission Work at the Southern Border

Mission Work at the Southern Border

You are invited to join members of the Sewickley United Methodist Women on Sunday for a “Lunch and Learn” event at 12:30. We will learn about mission work on our southern border from Mission Ambassadors Lynn Sibley and Sandy McKee. We meet in the Simpson Room across the hall from the sanctuary. We look forward to seeing you.

Lenten Fines – Fish Farming 2020 Focus

Lenten Fines – Fish Farming 2020 Focus

To help combat hunger, our partners at the Nyadire Connection are constructing fish farming ponds! Pick up a Lenten Fines Calendar from the back of the sanctuary to read more about this project and to participate in the Lenten Fines collection.

Volunteer In Mission (VIM) Training Sessions

Volunteer In Mission (VIM) Training Sessions

Whether you have interest in leading a domestic team or international team or just want to know the best VIM practices, there will be a training session offered at the Cranberry Conference Center on Saturday, February 29, 2020 from 10 am to 3 pm. 

Mission Trip to Zimbabwe

Mission Trip to Zimbabwe

Want to experience Africa through the United Methodist Church? The Nyadire Connection will be traveling again to boost our friends and support the Mission Centre.

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Fourth Sunday Food Pantry

Brrrr! The weather has turned cold, so consider cold weather foods for January 26th. Soup, stews, chili, etc. would all be welcome on a cold day. Muffin, bread, or biscuit mixes would make a nice addition to those items.

UMCOR (UMC Relief Agency) Current Disaster Response

UMCOR (UMC Relief Agency) Current Disaster Response

UMCOR and its partners are responding to disasters both in the United States and around the world. Please join in prayer for the areas affected, and consider a gift to UMCOR Disaster Response (which you may do with your regular offering or via EasyTithe, marking “UMCOR”. If you wish to specify “domestic” or “international”, please do so). 

Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

Trick or Treat for UNICEF!

When: Sunday, October 27
Where: During the 9 am and 11 am services
Who: Kids will collect using UNICEF boxes
Why: UNICEF provides aid to impoverished children

Volunteers In Mission (VIM) Sunday October 20th

Volunteers In Mission (VIM) Sunday October 20th

VIM recognizes the important work of putting Christian love into action across the globe. The special offering on October 20th is designated for work within WPAUMC. To give, include your additional gift with your regular offering or EasyTithe, marking “VIM”.

UMCOR (UMC relief agency) Disaster Response Updates

UMCOR (UMC relief agency) Disaster Response Updates

UMCOR has issued grants for early response needs to Annual Conferences (for Bahama and for USA areas) that experienced severe weather losses. As early assessments are done and long term plans are formulated, further grants will be issued and volunteer teams will be formed.

Hurricane Dorian Relief Efforts

Hurricane Dorian Relief Efforts

As this article is written, Dorian remains off the coast of the USA; its path uncertain; final damages unknown. What is known is that Dorian caused devasting long-term damage in the Bahamas. Other areas in Dorian’s path are reporting damages as well. 

Are you an outdoor person – like gardening?

Are you an outdoor person – like gardening?

The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank (GPFB) gleans from local farms. Gleaning means to gather produce left in the fields after the major harvest is done. Volunteers are needed, sometimes with short notice, to glean – opportunities continue into the fall harvest season. If you are interested, you can sign up for Glean Alerts.

UMCOR Storm Relief Efforts

UMCOR Storm Relief Efforts

United Methodist disaster response volunteers have been conducting assessments in areas hit by recent flooding and other disasters throughout the USA. It is through your generous support that UMCOR can quickly respond to needs in the USA and around the world.