

The Fellowship of the Cross is again selling Candygrams to help pay the school fees of the student we sponsor in Zimbabwe through the Nyadire Connection.

World Day of Prayer

World Day of Prayer

Everyone is welcome to attend the 95th Annual World Day of Prayer Observance in Sewickley, which will be held in our church on Friday, March 1st at 11:00 AM. A luncheon will follow at noon.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

We will begin our first gathering of our Lenten journey at the Sewickley Presbyterian Church on February 14th at 7:00 pm with our community Ash Wednesday Service.

Tackle Hunger: Souper Bowl of Caring

Tackle Hunger: Souper Bowl of Caring

Football and non-football fans unite! On February 11th, our congregation will help Tackle Hunger by celebrating the Souper Bowl of Caring.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

We have many ministries with a variety of ways you can serve.

Our Guardians

Our Guardians

Did you know we have a security team at SUMC? We call them Guardians.

Giving Reminder

Giving Reminder

Please include your giving/envelope number on your check or envelope. This helps our Counters!

United Women in Faith (UWF)

United Women in Faith (UWF)

The UWF meets six times a year on Sundays in the Simpson Room following the traditional service. Everyone is invited to attend any and all of our meetings.

Carton Collection

Carton Collection

Your washed out cardboard drink cartons are appreciated by the Altar Committee.

It’s Time to Sing!

It’s Time to Sing!

The SUMC choir is getting back together, and you are invited to make a joyful noise!



I wanted to say Thank you!!! to everyone for the gifts. They were so thoughtful, and the kids were overjoyed.



Please join me in welcoming our new Director of Music Ministries, Erik Kolodziej.

Bible Study

Bible Study

Join us on Tuesday evenings, starting on January 9th at 6:00 pm, for Beth Moore’s “Daniel: Lives of Integrity, Words of Prophecy” study.

Thank You!

Thank You!

A couple notes of thanks from the Christmas season.