There once was a box that was thought to house the presence of God. Within this box, it was believed God could be contained. However, anyone who touched the box learned that God’s power exceeded beyond the boundaries of the container God was in. God remained untouchable and unapproachable. Yet God loved with a fierceness that desired a deep connection with those who carried the box around. Thus, to break down these walls, remove the barrier, and allow others to get so close to God they would not be harmed by God’s power, God put God’s self into a container called a human body and came to earth. That human was named Jesus. In Jesus we find so much knowledge about who God is. Through Jesus, the power of God is filtered and used for good and for the life, love, and salvation of all. Though God is no longer contained by any box or vessel, God’s love can be contained within our hearts. There is so much to learn about God’s love and what the possession of it can achieve in our lives and through them. I hope you don’t stop learning and keep seeking the knowledge of God.

Photo by Michael Li