Herding sheep is a never-ending task. As soon as one is found, another may go missing.
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Herding sheep is a never-ending task. As soon as one is found, another may go missing.
What would your boss do if you were employed for three years and hadn’t provided any value to the company during that time? I expect they would fire you. And there would probably be a lot of people asking why they hadn’t fired you sooner.
In many translations, Jesus says that “Mary has chosen the better part,” which has been used to create a divide between Mary and Martha.
In our world, many of our physical neighbors are strangers to us, and many of our neighbors—those closest to us—feel like strangers in divisive political climates.
Are we changing to look more like Jesus, or are we changing to look more like the world?
This message of Jesus just keeps getting harder. We are to be poor, sad, sick, and now we are to love our enemies.
Is Jesus really anti-wealth?
It is important for us to stay in the situation or relationship, but at the same time, know when it is ok to step back.
You would think Jesus would have VIP tickets to any place he wanted to go, but he did not and does not.
A month ago, we celebrated Christmas, and I’m sure we would give different answers as to what our favorite gift was. But 1 Corinthians tells us the greater gifts are the ones that serve other people.
In our broken humanity, color has been used to determine what people are capable of. But that is not God’s story. Let’s tell it like Jesus did.
At the beginning of a new year, we are seeking to carve out new paths, strengthen old ones, or recommit to those on which we are already walking. What is God’s will for our lives?
Their road isn’t straight, but God “makes a way in the wilderness” (Isaiah 43:19) as they follow their intuition and diverge from the expected path.
In a world that often feels too serious, could laughter be one of God’s greatest gifts? Join us this Sunday for an uplifting look at how joy and a playful spirit draw us closer to God—and one another. Come ready to smile!
When the angels visit the shepherds in the fields, their message is global but also personal: “To you… a savior is born.”
It is not always easy to put yourself out there, yet we do—all for Jesus.
We can each bear good fruit through acts of justice and righteousness.
One of life’s most essential lessons is that we are never meant to go alone. And yet, modern culture pushes us more and more into lonely silos.
Mary’s story begins with blessedness and so does ours, for the prophet Isaiah declares that we are claimed by a God who calls our name. We are a blessing.
Do you know what Jesus did for a friend who was about to betray him?