I am currently helping teach the confirmation class, and as I am writing this, we have just finished our first meeting. We started the class off by talking about who Jesus is, and there were no wrong answers. Over our lives and our faith journeys, we learn more about who Jesus is. We start our journey thinking he was a guy who wore a white robe, had incredible sandals, and lived a long time ago. Then we start to learn more about the miracles he did and the love he spread. We see how he’s changing lives around us today and wonder if that will happen to us, too. And then one day, it clicks. Whether you realize there’s been a guiding light throughout your life or if you realize on your darkest day you aren’t alone; something clicks, and you begin to understand the true, never-ending love of Jesus.

Today, I think of Jesus as a close friend: always there for me to listen on my hard days and celebrate my achievements. But that’s not who he’s always been to me. I grew to know him better, and I cannot wait to see who he becomes to me as I continue in my faith journey.

In John chapter 14, verse 6, Jesus says, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” This month, on the first Sunday (July 4th) at 8:54 pm from wherever you are, join me in prayer so that we can all get to know Jesus a little bit better, and through him, his father.

Photo by TIGER500