Donations to help contribute to the live Christmas flower arrangements can be made by dedicating your offering as “Christmas Flowers” in the offering plate or through our Vanco eGiving portal.
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Donations to help contribute to the live Christmas flower arrangements can be made by dedicating your offering as “Christmas Flowers” in the offering plate or through our Vanco eGiving portal.
The Sewickley UMC will be collecting coloring books, crayons, and flowers in May.
To sponsor flowers to adorn the chancel on Easter, you may order online or complete a paper form available in the back of the sanctuary or outside of the office.
We have many ministries with a variety of ways you can serve.
If you would like to help adorn the chancel with poinsettias for Christmas, please order online, or use an order form, by Tuesday, December 6.
Sunday, May 21st, will be the final morning of the 2022-2023 Children's Church school year. Following tradition, the children will be planting flowers around the church during their time together during the 9:00 and 11:00 am services.
This is your last chance to order Easter flowers to adorn the chancel and get your soup and hummus.
To sponsor flowers to adorn the chancel on Easter, you may order online here on or before Wednesday, March 29.
If you would like to help adorn the chancel with poinsettias for Christmas, please order online here, or use an order form found in the rear of the sanctuary and outside the office, and return it to the office, or place it in the offering plate with your payment.
On behalf of the residents of the Union Aid Building at 511 Centennial Avenue, THANK YOU to the Fellowship of the Cross, their leaders, and all church family youth for planting flowers in our gardens and containers on Sunday, May 22nd.
The SUMC children and youth will re-visit tradition by planting flowers around the church campus on May 22, the final morning of our 2021-22 Children’s Church school year. The Fellowship of the Cross and the Education Committee will again host the event.
To sponsor flowers to adorn the chancel on Easter, you may order online here on or before Wednesday, April 6.
Help adorn the chancel for Christmas. Please order online, or use the form in the rear of the sanctuary and outside the office. Orders are due by Tuesday, December 7.
You may order poinsettias for the chancel for Christmas.
Families are invited to plant flowers on the church campus on either Saturday, May 15th, or Sunday, May 16th. Plants and shovels will be provided. Participants are asked to reserve a planting time so we can respect safe-distancing guidelines.
In keeping with tradition, Sunday school families are invited to plant flowers on the church campus on either Saturday, May 15th, or Sunday, May 16th.
We are planning on 3 services on April 4, and you can help adorn the sanctuary with flowers.
If you would like to sponsor the flowers for February 28 or any Sunday in March, please contact the office.
Pastor Hannah is working on finding a safe way for us to gather for Christmas Eve. Let’s help adorn the chancel with poinsettias for Christmas, whether we worship online or in person. Each 6 1/2" plant is $10 and orders are due by Tuesday, December 8. You may order online here.
We, the Fellowship of the Cross and the Sunday school team, are re-imagining our flower-planting tradition at SUMC, and we need your help. Every year, we dedicate our final children and youth Sunday school classes in May to planting flowers around the church campus. Those flowers reflect His love and His light well into October and often continue sharing their message as pumpkins sit on our lawn. This year, as we cannot yet gather to worship, we have a new flower-planting plan: we are inviting families to come to church and plant flowers this weekend.