Sewickley UMC is collecting Easter Bags for the food pantry. You are asked to take a bag with the grocery list attached, purchase the non-perishable items, and return the filled bag with the list attached.
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Sewickley UMC is collecting Easter Bags for the food pantry. You are asked to take a bag with the grocery list attached, purchase the non-perishable items, and return the filled bag with the list attached.
In February, SUMC accepted orders for American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days. Those who ordered will be notified of delivery day/time. You may follow Relay for Life of Sewickley Valley on Facebook for future events.
To help combat hunger, our partners at the Nyadire Connection are constructing fish farming ponds! Pick up a Lenten Fines Calendar from the back of the sanctuary to read more about this project and to participate in the Lenten Fines collection.
SUMC is teaming up with the American Cancer Society and Sewickley Relay for Life to raise funds through daffodil and TULIP sales. Place your order via the sign-up sheets in the back of the sanctuary and in the Simpson Room or by emailing Martha Boward.
Brrrr! The weather remains cold, so SUMC will continue to collect cold weather foods for February 23rd. Soup, stews, chili, etc. would all be welcome on a cold day. Muffin, bread, or biscuit mixes would make a nice addition to those items. The grocery cart will be in the sanctuary on February 23rd, but your contributions are welcome anytime.
Special Offering – February 16th – this special offering helps promote awareness issues and supports Western PA Conference ministries that provide opportunities for fuller inclusion of people with disabilities.
If you donated blood at SUMC’s November blood drive, you could have donated again on January 5th, as that was 56 days from the blood drive.
SUMC is teaming up with the American Cancer Society and Sewickley Relay for Life to raise funds through daffodil and tulip sales.
When there is a 5th Thursday in a month, SUMC serves a hot buffet to approximately 150 people at Center for Hope, an outreach ministry in Ambridge. We are serving this coming Thursday, January 30. Maybe you’d like to help with cooking, serving, or by donating some of the food items needed. Please let Donna Sawhill know if you want to help. Call or text 412-916-0854.
Human Relations Day is a powerful avenue to extend help and service to our local communities. It is about getting out of our comfortable social circles and offering love and care to those who need help in our neighborhoods and cities. It’s about walking with those who feel like everything in life is stacked against them.
Using Outreach-designated funds, SUMC provided the preschool program at Bethany House with ingredients for hot breakfasts—turkey sausage, eggs, and toast was the delivery morning’s breakfast.
Every dollar raised from the sale of the CD will go directly to support the “Deeply Rooted, Upward Reaching” campaign supporting six Western PA Conference Camping and Retreat Ministries: Tara’s and Eric’s journeys “have been beautifully shaped and blessed by the work of these six ministries.
Brrrr! The weather has turned cold, so consider cold weather foods for December 22nd. Soup, stews, chili, etc. would all be welcome on a cold day. Muffin, bread, or biscuit mixes would make a nice addition to those items. The grocery cart will be in the sanctuary on December 22nd, but your contributions are welcome anytime.
Thank you to everyone who is providing a Christmas gift for a child who attends the Bethany House and for helping keep the Bethany House kids warm with your donations of new socks, mittens, gloves, and hats, which will be delivered to the Bethany House along with the gifts.
Everyone, middle-school aged and older, please come to the “wrapping party” on Sunday between the services as we wrap the gifts for the Bethany House kids in the Simpson Room.
You may include this offering with your regular offering, or use the special offerings envelope found in the pews or at the back of the sanctuary. Please designate “Doors to Hope” on your envelope or check. You may also donate via EasyTithe.
Annually, there are over 2,000 students, including a number from WPA, who receive millions of dollars in financial assistance through the UMC Office of Scholarships and Loans! These scholarships and student loans are available to students who are members of the United Methodist Church.
25 people registered to donate at the November blood drive; 18 units were collected. Thank you to all who attended.
Pam Honeychurch and I visited the Bethany House Academy Pre-school on November 14th to continue interviewing the children for SUMC’s Christmas gift outreach. Miss M, who oversees the preschool, was trying to fix the zipper of a little girl’s coat. I then tried to fix it. It became evident that the extremely worn coat could not be repaired.
Thank you for providing 23 Thanksgiving bags—21 were sent to the Sewickley Community Center Food Panty, and 2 will be kept for distribution by Pastor Russel. Donations and Outreach Designated Funds provided funding for $15 Giant Eagle gift cards for each bag recipient. Thank you for helping the Sewickley Community Center Food Pantry patrons have complete Thanksgiving dinners.