SUMC members delivered “souper” results and helped the local food pantry tackle hunger by donating $355 in cash and several dozen cans of soup during the Souper Bowl of Caring. Thank you to all who participated.
SUMC members delivered “souper” results and helped the local food pantry tackle hunger by donating $355 in cash and several dozen cans of soup during the Souper Bowl of Caring. Thank you to all who participated.
The United Women in Faith (UWF) will meet on Sunday, March 10, 2024, in the Simpson Room, following the traditional service.
To sponsor flowers to adorn the chancel on Easter, you may order online or complete a paper form available in the back of the sanctuary or outside of the office.
We are collecting Easter Bags for the food pantry. You are asked to take a bag with the grocery list attached, purchase the non-perishable items, and return the filled bag with the list attached.
The Education team will be conducting an egg hunt between services on Easter Sunday.
On March 10, we will celebrate UMCOR Sunday. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) provides relief, response, and long-term recovery grants to communities and individuals whose lives have been upset by war, storms, or other crises.
We are still looking for responses to our Education Survey. Please take a moment to share your thoughts about education for all age groups at our church. You can fill out the digital survey, or talk to Grace or Felicity to get a paper version.
We will be having an A/V booth training Sunday, February 17, at noon.
Located in the lower level at SUMC, the Learning Tree preschool is a 40+ year ministry that continues to serve the Sewickley village and surrounding communities.
We just finished the 2023 budget year, making this a good time to summarize the final figures from 2023, the budget for 2024, and to review what makes up our annual operating budget.
In the month of January, we have done a lot of work and are excited to share it with you. In this section, you will find the Mission, Vision, and Core Values. You will also find an outline of what is included in a Leadership Board Packet.
Black history is EVERYONE’s story, no matter your heritage, culture, or racial background. Here are 29 ways you, your family, and your congregation can celebrate and participate in Black History Month.
Our sister church, St. Matthews AME Zion, is hosting an all-you-can-eat breakfast Saturdays in February, 8:00 am to noon.
We will be joining St. Matthew’s AME Zion, St. Paul’s Lutheran, and Sewickley Presbyterian churches for our Sunday evening Lenten services.
The Nurture Committee will be hosting a Soup and Hummus Sale next month.
Join us on Monday mornings at 5:30 a.m. as we have a time of devotion together over Zoom.
The Fellowship of the Cross is again selling Candygrams to help pay the school fees of the student we sponsor in Zimbabwe through the Nyadire Connection.
Everyone is welcome to attend the 95th Annual World Day of Prayer Observance in Sewickley, which will be held in our church on Friday, March 1st at 11:00 AM. A luncheon will follow at noon.
Please support the Learning Tree with a purchase of a Sunseri Pepperoni roll or two or three.
We will begin our first gathering of our Lenten journey at the Sewickley Presbyterian Church on February 14th at 7:00 pm with our community Ash Wednesday Service.