Jesus gives commandments about how we must treat one another: Love one another, wash one another’s feet, be at peace with one another. Throughout the early church, commandments were given to explain how Christians should seek to live with fellow believers: Serve one another, teach one another, comfort one another, pray for one another, forgive one another, build up one another and that list goes on. The phrase “one another” occurs over 100 times in the New Testament, and these serve as guidelines for authentic Christian community. They also have a direct impact on our witness to the world. These words and phrases are our instructions of how to relate to one another.
But how are we supposed to obey these “one another” commands Scriptures when we have been forced to be away from “one another.” In a real sense, our separation has been in obedience to those commands. Our churches have ceased physical gatherings out of love for each other and our neighbors, and we seek to follow medical guidelines and government mandates to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
Throughout the past several months, we have struggled with what this new reality means for how we function as the body of Christ. We want things to be back to “normal.” Our separations have us longing for fellowship and connections. The “one another” commandments challenge us to get creative in our current context.
Our current crisis challenges us to better understand these principles at work and for better or worse, we cannot do all things the way we always do things!
Photo by peterskim