When you see a stop sign coming up, you begin to slowly put on your breaks and then, once you get to the stop sign, you come to a complete stop. When flying in an airplane, you pay attention to the seatbelt signs that inform you when you must have your seatbelt on or when you can take it off. There are many different signs we come across in our everyday lives that inform us of how we need to adjust our actions. In the gospel of John, we read about some of the miracles Jesus performed. John refers to these acts as miraculous signs. Jesus didn’t just do them to gain more viewers and get more likes on YouTube—he did them to point us to something much more important. These signs were meant to inform us of the ways in which we should be adjusting our behaviors. Join us as we find out what these miraculous signs pointed to and how they inform our everyday life.
Photo by Zohar Manor-Abel