Sewickley United Methodist Church

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SUMC 2024 Financial Update

Hopefully, most of the SUMC family is aware the Leadership Board of SUMC set several “God Sized” goals for 2024, including a significant increase in congregational giving by approximately $38,000 or 15%.

We understood that this was a stretch and included a margin for the year to help position our faith community to better achieve our mission/goal of being present in the community as a welcoming and growing Church, living out the radical love of Jesus in vital ways.

While our giving is up by approximately 4% vs 2023, we are running $ 14,446, or approximately 12%, below budgeted to date.

As is common at this time of year, we are currently running a deficit due in large part to higher seasonal expenses, especially a very substantial increase in property insurance and congregational giving being lower in the early months of the year. As of May 30th, the to date deficit is $ 27,258, which is approximately $10,000 higher than budgeted.

We pray and trust that individual and family units prayerfully consider, as able and moved, to increase giving and help SUMC better serve our congregants and community and maintain our beautiful and prominent church building.

Please let Pastor Hannah know if you would like more details.

Jere Cowden, member of the Leadership Board