Are your kids fidgety during church? We know a traditional sermon can’t hold the attention of children—to be honest, adults sometimes get fidgety too. This particular ministry is provided for our younger members who are too old for the nursery, but too young to sit through our traditional church service. We provide an entertaining, educational, and religious video or activity for kids during our traditional service, September through May. Children’s Church is specifically for children of ages four to twelve.
Are you looking for a rewarding way to serve but have limited time? Various adult and youth (teen) members of our congregation volunteer to lead or chaperone this valuable component of our worship. In order to comply with Safe Sanctuary, we try very hard to recruit two volunteers to accompany our children each Sunday. If you would be interested in volunteering a few Sundays each year, please contact Andrea Lewis so that she can include you in this very important spiritual time for the young, formative members of our congregation.
Latest Children’s Church News
The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the 11:00 am Children’s Church group, is as follows: “Friends.”
The Add1 Lenten prayer window of the week, as selected by the 9:00 am Children’s church kids, is as follows: “Children.”
Keeping you up to date on what our ministries have been doing and what they are planning to do in 2025.
Starting on September 8th, Children’s Church and Youth Group will be back underway. We are looking for additional volunteers who are interested in being a second volunteer in the Nursery, with Children’s Church, Fellowship of the Cross, or Youth Group.
Children’s Church, during the 11:00 am service, is looking for 1-2 adult leaders and 1-2 assistants, each serving once a month.
Our children and youth will be leading worship on Mother’s Day (May 12), and students are invited to share their musical gifts in the worship services.
We are still looking for responses to our Education Survey. Please take a moment to share your thoughts about education for all age groups at our church. You can fill out the digital survey, or talk to Grace or Felicity to get a paper version.
It’s almost time for Children’s Church to start, and we are excited for a new year to be working with your precious children.
Children’s Church, during the 11:00 am service, is looking for 1-2 adult leaders and 1-2 assistants, each serving once a month.